Monday, January 04, 2010

Behind the Face(book)

A while ago, someone suggested I compile my Facebook updates here for those who aren't on that social networking site. So for the next few days I'm going to experiment with that a bit. But you'll get a bit more "thought" here about those status updates...

The day started with:

A new day (week, month, year) has dawned. Time for change...but first...ouch...I'm in pain....owie, owie ,owie...

I slept wrong (again). Duncan's sleep patterns have been in disarray since Thanksgiving and getting him back on track has been a royal pain in the ass. The last week or two has involved all of us going to bed once Malcolm is asleep and as soon as Duncan falls asleep in our bed he gets transferred to his crib. But inevitably he winds up back in our bed most nights and its hard to sleep with an 18 month old kicking you all night long.

Has officially downgraded his Cablevision account. The only thing we'll be "missing" is "Entourage" when it returns with new episodes...I figure we can wait for Netflix to get it...or borrow a recording from someone we know...but we're saving money now and hitting Cablevision where it hurts (wish we could just drop the...m entirely, but we can't). New year, new changes, new rules.

For those who don't know, Cablevision and Scripps (the company that owns Food Network & HGTV) have stopped negotiating and those channels were pulled from Cablevision's lineup. These are channels that the wife and I do watch a lot and would love to pay a fair price for if any company started doing "a la carte" services (they won't). It took losing two channels to finally realize that I don't need the package I have with Cablevision so we went from IO Gold to Family plus IO and are now saving $30 a month. If I could change TV providers I would, but we have too many trees to get a good signal for Direct TV (I can barely get my XM Radio to work in the house), Verizon's FIOS isn't in our area and AT&T's U-Verse hasn't made it down the hill yet (we're 1000 feet short for a good signal -- I know this because I wasted a day trying to get it installed when they were telling me that it was new to our area. Turns out its not our whole area -- but I got $50 in credit from them for my torubles and was told to check again in February as they may have gotten closer).

Just finished his first workout using Wii Active. Starting with small goals & the "30 Day Challenge". Can't do the inline skating (just can't get the hang of it) and need wireless nunchucks (well...would prefer wireless nunchucks). Now on to packing up the holiday decorations.

I'm 40 and I'm a fat emotional eater. It's time to get my act together -- one day at a time, ten pounds at a time. Today was a good day for both the intake of food and the expenditure of energy. My thighs are sore from the lunges -- but its a good sore. The holiday decorations got packed up, but they won't go back into storage until tomorrow or Wednesday.

Dear ABC, We get that you cancelled "Eastwick" because only my wife and I are still watching and appreciate that you were willing to continue airing what you had paid for...but it would have been nice to have you air the episodes in order cause the one you aired on 12/30 didn't pick up where the previous episode left off.

ABC cancelled the show after paying for 13 episodes that got made. They were going to burn them all off before 2009 ended, but they were only able to get to 11 of the 13. For some reason, they skipped episode 11 and aired 12 instead as a "final" episode. This wouldn't have been a problem if the show had stand alone episodes, but its very much a serial and they jumped from the ladies kidnapping a character to them having killed him without showing us the inbetween. Its kind of unfortunate the show got canned as its been pretty interesting. It started off as "Desperate Housewitches" and evolved into a nice mystery piece/retelling of John Updike's novel. Luckily, the two "missing" episodes will be airing in the U.K. this month, so we can at least see them through other means.

I kind of understand why ABC jumped an episode with "Eastwick" (there's some semblence of closure on one story), but they shouldn't have left a big gaping hole in that story by making the jump. Meanwhile, my wife was watching "Supernanny" because we no longer have Food Network or HGTV to keep her busy at night. I have a... new reason to hate Cablevision now...

So "Eastwick" ended with Daryl and the ladies reunited (some closure even though there was a gaping hole as to why he left and where he went) while leaving us with new plot threads just starting. Oh well...

The wife has been searching for shows to fill the void left by Cablevision's short sighted she catches "Supernanny" and the episode is about a family trying to get a 2 year old to sleep at a normal hour -- something we need help with...but the solution was nothing we haven't tried we're still at square one.

Anyway...I'm still thinking about the final David Tennant "Doctor Who" episode. While it wasn't bad, it wasn't the best send-off it could have been (SPOILER ALERT). If you're gonna bring back Gallifrey and the rest of the Time Lords either do it or don't. This part of the story needed more time to play out and less "we're back, nevermind, we're gone again" two seconds later. Add to that Russel Davies self indulgent "goodbye" (I think the end of "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" was shorter) and the silly use of a name from the old series and a woman with no real identity -- two things that only played into the concept of fanwankery -- and you've got a bit of a mess with some fun moments and some nice, touching moments. I look forward to seeing what Matt Smith does beyond what seemed to be channeling Heath Ledger in the last moments.

Anyway -- that's all for today, we'll do this again tomorrow.

Be seeing you.

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