Monday, December 03, 2012

National Film Registry 1991: Viewing #1 = City Lights


Not all of Charlie Chaplin's feature films hold up as well as "City Lights" does. This charming romantic comedy in which the Tramp falls in love with a blind girl maintains the perfect balance between heartwarming and funny without veering into cheese on either side. Regardless of what may have gone on behind the scenes with Chaplin's obsession for perfection, there is a real life quality to Virginia Cherrill's performance that meshes so nicely with the Tramp.

The comedy comes in droves, whether it's slapstick involving a drunken millionaire pouring a bottle of liquor or the simple bashfulness of the Tramp observing the blind flower girl. It all tickles the funny bone in ways that still don't seem tired or cliche even though we may have seen them copies a bazillion times since. The ending remains as touching now as it was then (I won't spoil it here for anyone who has yet to see it -- I know...I usually do anyway).

Still not sure why "Modern Times" made the Registry before this one, but it's still among the first 75 films inducted. There's no doubt in my mind as to why that is.

Next up: "Frankenstein"

Be seeing you.

1 comment:

Heroescomics95 said...

Joel, is this you? Can't seem to contact you.

Dave from Heroes Comics & Cards