Monday, February 21, 2005

Badly Going Where They've Gone Before

Okay...I've been rather quiet for a while about Star Trek as an entity of late. I stopped watching Voyager much later than I should have and I gave Enterprise about 3 episodes before deciding I had enough of the "been there, done that" syndrome of stories the various series had been churning out for a number of years. I've been saying for a while that the best thing for the franchise was a break (in my mind 5 years at least) and now that we're getting the needed break to revive the franchise at a later date, the effing Trekkies are going to screw it up. There's an old saying about the inmates running the asylum and Trekkos are living proff. They'd rather have bad Trek than no Trek.

This is a mentality I don't quite understand. There are plenty of franchises that I've been enamoured of over the years, but I realize when they get tired and need a break it's usually for the better. Look at the gap between Licence to Kill and Goldeneye. It took six years to revive the Bond franchise (not that it needed it in my mind, but look at the box office numbers and you'll see there were problems).

Anyway...if you haven't heard, the Trekkos are trying to raise 32 million dollars to fund a new season of Enterprise. Good luck with that one.

Wish I had more for today, but I'm a bit beat and need to get to a rehearsal which I'm doing Sound Design for (and not having much fun...I tend to throw myself 110% into a job and I was exhausted before I got involved in this'll be a good show and while I don't think anyone will notice potential goofs with the sound, I will because I'm insane...the show is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by the way, which doesn't help with the insanity aspect).

Be seeing you when I have more to say and more time to say it in.

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