Sunday, February 20, 2005

The start of something big I'm finally getting my act together and taking it on the road. I've been very slowly in the process of learning how to build a website and today we're ready to test the damn thing out. It's not fancy. It's not flashy. Heck, it's not even finished (it's barely there). But it's now live and in my control (G-d help us all).

Over the next few weeks expect it to get a bit fancier and more complex as I add photos of the wedding, the house renovation, the baby and anything else I feel the need to (yes...a photo of me as Agatha Christie will also eventually show up).

But please be patient folks. My time management is lacking these days and I'm all over the place. So don't hold me to the fire if it's taking a bit longer than you'd like to see some of this stuff.

In setting this up there were several possible ways to go about getting Fenster's Toccata and Fugue online (instead of e-mailing it). This is now the way it's going to go. You'll be able to check it out here whenever I update it. And slowly but surely you'll be able to access all of my "back issues" as I slowly but surely get them up and into this blog.

If there are any suggestions or comments, please feel free to speak up. This whole endeavour is made of baby steps for me and any feedback will be appreciated (as long as it's constructive...anyone looking to just bitch, moan or complain can keep it to themselves).

So that's all for today. Nothing too complicated or extreme. Just a brief declaration that I'm joining the 21st Century finally...

Be seeing you

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